Mods/Jaded's FS2

Last updated: 2022-05-13 (First release: 2021-02-08) mod.json

Jaded's ModPacks are a set of mods for Freespace Open which bind together other mods availible in the community into a single cohesive package for play by end users. They can be installed quickly and easily via Knossos. [hr] [size=18][b][u]Contents[/u][/b][/size] This mod pack centers around the Freespace 2 campaign and adds: [list] [li]Freespace Upgrade MediaVPs[/li] [li]MjnMixael's Mainhalls (Only the GTD Aquitane at this time)[/li] [li]HD Hud[/li] [li]Jaded's HD Radar Icons[/li] [li]Lafiel's RadarIcon Script[/li] [li]Admiral MS' ScreenCam Script[/li] [/list] [hr] [size=18][b][u]Instructions[/u][/b][/size] There are two special features for this mod pack: ScreenCam-Script and RadarIcon-Script. The former enables you to pause the action and enter a free-cam mode to view the action from all angles and take screenshots. The latter paints silhoettes of enemy and allied ships (Hud Icons) over the ships themselves to aid in visually locating them in dark or cloudy conditions. The controls are as follows: [b]ALT[/b]+[b]1[/b]: Enable or disable ScreenCam Mode while in a mission. You must come to a complete stop to exit ScreenCam Mode. [b]ALT[/b]+[b]2[/b]: Toggle mission pause while in ScreenCam Mode [b]ALT[/b]+[b]3[/b]: Toggle Hud Icons. [hr] [size=18][b][u]Frequently Asked Questions[/u][/b][/size] [list] [li][size=12pt][b]It says the executable is missing when I try to start the modpack.[/b][/size] This is a known bug with Knossos. Fortunately, there is a relatively simple workaround... [url=]here[/url].[br][br][br][/li] [li][size=12pt][b]The above didn't work and/or there are no FSO versions listed.[/b][/size] This is another, known bug with Knossos. You can manually install the needed executable using the workaround found [url=]here[/url]. Be sure to apply the above fix afterwards.[br][br][br][/li] [li][size=12pt][b]I have an error saying <mod name> is required but not installed... except it [i]is[/i] installed.[/b][/size] Yup. Another Knossos bug. What's actually happening in this case is that one of the optional packages for the named mod didn't get installed. The mod is there, but not all the parts of it that my modpack requires. You can go to the mod it claims isn't installed, click details > options > modify, and install any optional packages missing from that mod.[br][br][br][/li] [li][size=12pt][b]Why use (and even advocate for) Knossos when it has so many problems?[/b][/size] Because Knossos, even with its flaws, is still a huge user experience improvement over previous launchers. That and these are all actually the same bug manifesting in different ways. Finally, the developer of Knossos is working on a completely new version of Knossos that should resolve these issues permanently.[br][br][br][/li] [/list]

Release Thread


Jaded's FS2 (required)

Jaded's FS2.7z (3 MB) | | |
SHA256: 933479727e26097aded47f9f6c0122b999f141d2eb3db47c8d72674b519977da

Total Download Size

3 MB

SHA256SUM (optional; ?)

933479727e26097aded47f9f6c0122b999f141d2eb3db47c8d72674b519977da Jaded's FS2.7z


Mod Flag List Order (required order; may include optional mods; ?)

-mod jds_fs2,screencam,selfgamers_radaricon,hd-hud-bp,jds-hdgenradaricons,NTF_Ship_Textures,MVPS,GOTYMissions,MjnMHs

Command-Line Flags (optional; ?)

-soft_particles -aa -fb_explosions -fb_thrusters -enable_shadows -targetinfo -rearm_timer -nomotiondebris -warp_flash -3dwarp -ship_choice_3d -aa_preset 6 -shadow_quality 4 -ambient_factor 55 -spec_point 0.7 -spec_static 2.12 -spec_tube 1.2 -bloom_intensity 45 -fov 0.6